Welcome to Health Style for Life

Everybody wants to be HEALTHY, including you. Whether you have been trying with NO success or you don’t know what to do, it doesn’t matter anymore because you are about to learn how to be a healthier person. 

The main purpose of this site is to help you to become a healthier version of yourself and stay motivated and consistence. YES, consistency is the key. You have to change your eating and workout habits so that it becomes your lifestyle. It’s not a onetime thing that once you hit your desired weight goal, you stop working out and go back to unhealth food choices. Living a health life not only makes you look fit but cuts your risk of diseases and improves your wellbeing in everyday life.

What this site offers:

  • Nutrition plans to fit your goal and new lifestyle
  • Yummy recipes of your favorite food for you to stay healthy
  • Workout techniques to help you achieve your ultimate weight goal

What are you waiting for?

Go through the site and learn as much as you can and then take action. Feel free to contact me at ekamamba@gmail.com if you have any questions.

It’s true that we cannot change the world, but we can change ourselves and people around us. It starts with YOU. Just imagine that you are HEALTHY and capable of doing what you LOVE. Imagine every person around you enjoy life and strive to be healthier every single day. Isn’t that great? My goal is to help you to be better than yesterday so that you can inspire others.

 “Small change + Many People = Big Change” 

Get Started

Many people like to live healthy, but they don’t either know where to start or they start and find it harder to stay consistence. If you are one of them, you are on the right spot.

In this article, you will learn on how to get started…read more

Scratch Gym Membership


You can’t afford gym membership?

You don’t have much time to attend gym training sessions?

You don’t have gym closer to your neighborhood?…read more

It starts with a SINGLE step

Never workout out before but you would like to stay active?

If your is YES, you are on the right place. Walking can be a great workout for someone who has never exercised before or haven’t workout in a…read more

Non Starchy Veggies

Starch is a type of carbohydrate in your diet produced by plants as an energy store. It is also known as complex carbohydrate and can be found in food like potatoes, pasta, cereal and bread as well as… read more