Get Started

Many people like to live healthy, but they don’t either know where to start or they start and find it harder to stay consistence. If you are one of them, you are on the right spot.

In this article, you will learn on how to get started living healthy life and how to stay motivated to reach your goal. It is important to know “Working Out” or “Exercising” is not the only factor that leads to a healthy life. Things like good nutrition, getting enough rest and hydration can lead to a healthy lifestyle.

Drinking enough water, eating well balanced diet meal, getting enough rest combined with physical activities can help you lose and maintain healthy weight, get fit, reduce risk of chronic diseases like cancer, type2 diabetes and heart diseases, and promote your overall health goal.

We will discuss the key components that will lead you to a healthy lifestyle below: –

Hydration – Drinking Enough Water

The best way to stay hydrated is by drinking pure water. Fruits and drinks may help you stay hydrated but keep in mind that they may add extra calories to your diet. Calories comes from sugar that is in most fruits like watermelon or drinks such as milk, tea, sports drinks just to mention the few.

To be in safe side, drink pure water whenever you feel thirsty. You should drink water to stay hydrated each single day. The water intake amount depends on your body size and other factors such as weather conditions and how active you are. Check out this chart if you would like to learn the recommended water intake based on your body weight.

Different people perform different kinds of activities, so they need different amount of water. Check your urine to determine if you hydrate enough. You may be dehydrated if your urine is a dark yellow. You are well hydrated if your urine is colorless or light yellow.

Your body need water to function well and for overall good health. Water helps your body with weight loss, regulating temperature, forming saliva and mucus, lubricating joins, flushing body wastes, preventing kidney damage, boosting performance during exercise, and maintaining blood pressure. Keeping hydrated is crucial for well-being so drinking enough water should be at the top of your priority list.

Nutrition – Eating well balanced diet

“Garbage in Garbage Out” – This expression is used mostly used in computing articulating that poor or incorrect input will always produce faulty output. Your body reflects what you put in. The more junky or unhealthy food you eat the poorer your health will be. Eating vegetables and fresh fruits everyday allows you to be active hence it improves physical and mental health. A well-balanced diet should contain complex carbohydrates like whole grains, vitamins from fruits and vegetables, protein, minerals and essential fats from nuts, avocados etc.

People think it is expensive to be healthy which is NOT true, but the opposite is true. Yes, it is expensive to be unhealthy. The cost to treat diet-related illness is very high. Also being overweight or obese prevents you from doing things you like.  There is no one diet, no diet pill and no surgery that lets people eat whatever they want and still expect weight loss and improved health. Maintaining a healthy diet and exercise program will be what is needed to achieve those goals. Use food for its purpose: Nourishment.” – Janelle Hodovic.

Eating the right quantity of carbs, vitamins, protein and other healthy choices can help you reach your goal. Good nutrition doesn’t mean giving up your favorite dish but eating a well-balanced diet and the right food proportion. Contact me through my email, if you would like to learn how to prepare your favorite dish to a delicious health meal… read more